
  • Inácio Barbosa Borges Instituto Federal de Ciência e Educação do Norte de Minas Gerais - IFNMG - campus Arinos
  • Omar Cruz Rocha Embrapa Café
  • Juaci Vitória Malaquias Embrapa Cerrados - CPAC
  • Marcelo Fagioli Universidade de Brasília - UnB
  • Marcos Aurélio Carolino de Sá Embrapa Cerrados - CPAC
  • Antônio Fernando Guerra Embrapa Café


Coffea arabica, soil moisture, management systems


ABSTRACT: The sustainability of agricultural production can be improved through the use of cover crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the Model Identity Method in the verification of equality of linear regressions resulting from the calibration of a neutron probe for different layers, as a function of signalgrass management as a cover crop between rows of soil coffee crop in the Brazilian Central Cerrado. Aluminum tubes were installed to access the probe and two saturation basins were built in a coffee area, irrigated by a central pivot, in an Oxisol, with two management systems, T (Traditional with bare soil) and B (Signalgrass in the row). Samples were taken at depths of 0-0.20; 0.20-0.40; 0.40-0.60; and 0.60-0.80 m for the determination of physical and water properties and monitoring of soil drying; concomitant measurements were taken with the neutron probe in these layers. Two calibration curves were constructed for each layer, which were compared by the above method. It was observed that treatment B yielded differences in soil water storage in the 0.20-0.40 m layer, differing from treatment T. The statistical method allowed the observation of equality of regressions between treatments B and T at depths 0-0.20, 0.40-0.60, and 0.60-0.80 m; it also showed the need for different regression curves per layer, besides justifying the need for neutron probe calibration for each specific local condition.

Author Biography

Inácio Barbosa Borges, Instituto Federal de Ciência e Educação do Norte de Minas Gerais - IFNMG - campus Arinos

Eng. Agrônomo - UFU

Mestre em Agronomia - UFU

Doutorando em Agronomia - UnB

Professor do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico - IFNMG Campus Arinos


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How to Cite

BORGES, I. B.; ROCHA, O. C.; MALAQUIAS, J. V.; FAGIOLI, M.; SÁ, M. A. C. de; GUERRA, A. F. MODELS GENERATED IN NEUTRON PROBE CALIBRATION IN LATOSOL CULTIVATED WITH COFFEE AND SIGNALGRASS. Coffee Science - ISSN 1984-3909, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 4, p. 519–529, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jan. 2025.


