Production of Coffea canephora seedlings through cuttings in a nursery and hydroponics using different containers
The production of seedlings is a determining factor for the establishment and success of the coffee plantation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the production of Coffea canephora seedlings by cuttings in a modified hydroponic system and in a conventional nursery, using different containers. At the end of the experiment, growth (height, stem diameter, total number of pairs of leaves, leaf area, root area, dry matter weight of leaves, stem and root), physiological (chlorophyll a, b and total and stomatal conductance) and anatomical (stomatal density, functionality and opening) characteristics were analyzed. For statistical analysis, a completely randomized design (CRD) was used, with five treatments and six replications, with ten plants per plot. Seedlings produced in a modified hydroponic system using 50- and 120-cm³ tubettes show better vegetative growth and physiological characteristics compared to those produced in a nursery. Seedling management in a modified hydroponic system using 120-cm³ tubettes provides greater cutting survival percentage, number of remaining leaves and emission of shoots. In nurseries, the use of polyethylene bags provides better seedling quality and survival in relation to the use of tubettes, regardless of volume.
Key words: Conilon coffee; anatomy; physiological characteristics; microscopy.
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