The The role of entomopathogenic fungi in controling the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari) at various altitudes of Arabica coffee plantations


  • H Husni Universitas Syiah Kuala, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department. Banda Aceh, Aceh Indonesia.
  • J Jauharlina Universitas Syiah Kuala, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department. Banda Aceh, Aceh Indonesia.
  • Ninda Maulidia Universitas Syiah Kuala, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department. Banda Aceh, Aceh Indonesia.



A study was conducted to study the effect of altitude on the presence and effectiveness of entomopathogenic fungi in suppressing the development of the coffee berry borer (Hypethenemus hampei Ferr.) in Arabica coffee plantations in Aceh Tengah District, Aceh Province, Indonesia. We found that only the fungus of the genus Beuveria infects CBB pests in the coffee plantations. We also found that the infection rate of this fungus against CBB pests in coffee fields located at an altitude of 900-1,100 m was higher than in coffee fields located at an altitude above 1,100 m. At first observation showed that the attack rate of entomopathogenic fungi against CBB at an altitude of 900-1,100 m; 1,100-1,300 and 1,300-1,500 m were 6%, 3% and 1%, respectively. In the second observation, the attack rate at an altitude of 900-1,100 m, 1,100-1,300 m and 1,300-1,500 m, were 8%, 2% and 1%, respectively. This indicates that the higher the temperature around the coffee plantation, the higher the infection rate (attack) of the Beuveria fungus on CBB. The correlation analysis also showed that an increase in CBB attack on coffee berries was generally followed by an increase in entomopathogenic fungi attack. This indicates that the Beuveria sp fungus has played a role in suppressing and balancing the development of CBB pests in Arabica coffee plantations in Aceh Tengah District.

Key words: Arabica coffee plantation; CBB pest; altitude; Beuveria sp; natural enemies; attack rate.


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How to Cite

HUSNI, H.; JAUHARLINA , J.; MAULIDIA, N. The The role of entomopathogenic fungi in controling the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari) at various altitudes of Arabica coffee plantations . Coffee Science - ISSN 1984-3909, [S. l.], v. 17, p. e172002, 2022. DOI: 10.25186/.v17i.2002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 dec. 2024.