Development a novel and comprehensive cupping protocols for wine coffee assessment using Qualitative Description Analysis
Diversification of coffee product and cnsumer demands attempt to create a new product such as wine coffee, a fermented coffee product which undergo the coffee cherries fermentation process up to 30 days or longer. As a new product, coffee wine does not have quality standard, which barriers the coffee trade and trust between coffee producers and buyer. This research aims to develop a novel and comprehensive cupping protocol for wine coffee using Qualitative Description Analysis with the presence of Specialty Coffee Association of America as guidelines. QDA is parted to three section panellist screening, panellist training and product evaluation. From 20 screened panellists, 12 are undergo to training panellist, but only 8 panelists shows consistent results, share similar understanding about wine coffee quality. The results showed that fragrance, aroma, flavour, body, aftertaste and acidity have different definition than specialty coffee from SCAA cupping protocols.
Key words: Arabica; aftertaste; cherries; fermented; wine coffee
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