Yield and beverage quality of thirty-one Coffea canephora clones shaded by Hevea brasiliensis
Coffea canephora is predominantly grown in monoculture in Brazil, particularly in areas with full sunlight. However, adverse climatic conditions, such as prolonged droughts and rising temperatures, are increasingly affecting the major coffee-producing regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of rubber tree shading on the productivity and cup quality of 31 clones of C. canephora, cultivated in the northern region of Espírito Santo state. Thirty-one C. canephora clones were evaluated under three shading conditions: full sunlight, morning shade, and afternoon shade. The parameters analyzed included thousand-seed weight, quantity of beneficiated green coffee beans, yield, the number of ripe fruits required to produce a 60 kg bag of green coffee beans, and sensory analysis. The results showed that coffee clones grown in afternoon shade had a reduced yield per plant but produced heavier beans and better beverage quality. Clones 02, 03, 16, 19, 31, 99, 120, and 143 stood out with the highest yields, while clones 46 and 106 exhibited the lowest. Additionally, the yield analysis revealed that the production of green grains was significantly affected by the growing conditions, with the most productive clones thriving under full sunlight. The afternoon shade may reduce yield, but it improves grain weight and beverage quality, making it a viable strategy for C. canephora clones. Selection should prioritize yield and quality in shaded environments.
Key words: Consortium; conilon; rubber tree.
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