Roasting variations and brewing methods in the preparation of clear Coffee Beverages from Gayo Arabica Coffee




Coffee drinks are trendy drinks around the world, and they usually contain caffeine. However, this research focuses on creating a coffee drink that does not contain caffeine so that those who cannot consume it can enjoy it. The resulting coffee drink is a colorless coffee drink. The coffee production process initially produces a black-colored drink, but it can turn it into a clear-colored drink through distillation and chemical methods. This research aims to study the process of making clear coffee by varying roasting and brewing levels with various variations to obtain clear-colored coffee and low caffeine levels. Preparation of clear coffee drinks is done by brewing espresso and Tobruk, which is then analyzed for pH, caffeine, and color tests on the results of the clear coffee drink. Based on the ranking test on each parameter tested on clear coffee drinks, the best treatment is using the distillation method, espresso brewing, and medium roasting level. The analysis results of this selected formulation produced a transparent beverage color (clear), pH 3.5, and caffeine levels of 4.639 mg/mL.

Key words: Coffee; Clear coffee; Destination; Chemical reaction; Caffeine.


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How to Cite

SULAIMAN, I.; MARSYANDA; ERIKA, C. . Roasting variations and brewing methods in the preparation of clear Coffee Beverages from Gayo Arabica Coffee. Coffee Science - ISSN 1984-3909, [S. l.], v. 19, p. e192176, 2024. DOI: 10.25186/.v19i.2176. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jan. 2025.