Physicochemical and sensory profile of commercial wine coffee in the Gayo Highlands, Indonesia




The Gayo Highlands is one of the largest Arabica coffee producing areas in Indonesia. Wine coffee processing is currently very popular in the Gayo Highlands. This study aims to determine of physicochemical and sensory characteristics of commercial wine coffee in Gayo Highlands. Samples were obtained from active wine coffee producers in Central Aceh and Bener Meriah. Analysis was carried out on coffee beans and brewing, including analysis of bean size, moisture content, color, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), total phenolic content (TPC), and cupping quality. The results found that Gayo arabica wine coffee has a medium size, moisture content of 8.53%-11.67%, and yellow to brown color. Physicochemical characteristics of brewed wine coffee also showed varying results. The pH of coffee wine brewing ranges from 4.68 to 4.95, TDS 3.93 to 4.5 oBrix, and TPC 12.82 to 30 GAE mg/g. Sensory analysis was conducted using the cupping test method. The cupping score of wine coffee on each attribute varied, except body and sweetness. The wine coffee aroma obtained was 6 (good) to 7.75 (very good), wine coffee flavor 6 (good) to 7.5 (very good), wine coffee aftertaste 6 (good) to 7.0 (very good), wine coffee acidity 6 (good) to 7.0 (very good), wine coffee balance 6 (good) to 6.75 (good), overall wine coffee 6 (good) to 7 (very good). Specific fruit aroma characteristics that dominated the coffee wine were pineapple, banana, passion fruit, lemon/lime, and berries. Aroma characteristics related to fermentation, namely winey, vinegar, overripe, and soury were detected in all wine coffee samples. Further research is needed to analyze the more complex chemical
components of wine coffee (volatile and non-volatile) and their correlation with brewing quality to obtain more comprehensive scientific information on wine coffee quality.

Key words: Gayo wine coffee; Chemical characteristic; Cupping test; Sensory profile.


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How to Cite

MUZAIFA, M.; ABUBAKAR, Y.; NILDA, C. Physicochemical and sensory profile of commercial wine coffee in the Gayo Highlands, Indonesia. Coffee Science - ISSN 1984-3909, [S. l.], v. 19, p. e192168, 2024. DOI: 10.25186/.v19i.2168. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jan. 2025.