Physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory analysis of fermented coffee from Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia
The evaluation of the physicochemical (pH, degrees Brix, and temperature), microbiological (fungi, yeasts, and bacteria), and sensory characteristics (sensory attributes, score, and quality classification) of coffee wet fermentation in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta (SNSM), Colombia, was carried out to understand its dynamics and the correlation that exists between them. The fermentation process lasted 36 hours and samples were taken every six hours. The pH and degrees Brix gradually decreased in the fermentation time and showed a high dependence on each other. In 36 hours, the pH went from 5.37 to 3.96 and the degrees Brix from 6.53 to 4.30 °Bx. Fungi had the most abundant population throughout the fermentation process compared to bacteria and yeasts. The beverages obtained showed a high quality where the classification of excellent specialty coffees prevailed. The highest beverage quality was characterized by its sweetness, high acidity, floral notes flavored with lemongrass and cardamom, it was obtained at 18 hours of fermentation
related to the highest fungi (6.92 log CFU.g-1) and yeast population (6.01 log CFU.g-1) and the lowest bacteria population (3.85 log CFU.g-1). Evaluating the physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory characteristics of fermented coffee in the SNSM is important in generating specific knowledge related to the fermentation process and coffee quality in the region and constitutes a tool for future research.
Key words: Agroindustry; Coffea arabica; Coffee quality; Cup quality; Wet fermentation.
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