Implications of the cut type and apex length of stem cuttings used for the production of plantlets of Conilon coffee
Producing plantlets of Conilon coffee within the specific recommendations and with a high level of quality is fundamental since it is capable of promoting the initial development of the crops. To identify the best protocol to prepare the stem cuttings is fundamental to the process of plantlet production of the species. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the implications of the type of apex cutting and the length of the remaining apex of stem cuttings to produce plantlets of Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora). To this end, two trials were conducted in the Marilândia Experimental Farm (Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural, Marilândia-ES). The first trial evaluated the types of apex cutting (straight or bevel cut), and the second trial studied the different lengths of the remaining apex (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 cm). Characteristics of the vegetative growth and photosynthetic traits of the plantlets of Conilon coffee were evaluated after 120 days of cultivation in a nursery. The bevel cut on the apex promoted the accumulation of total dry mass of the plantlets. Producing stem cuttings with apex length of approximately 1.5 cm favors the accumulation of mass and gains of leaf area of the plantlets of Conilon coffee produced by stem cutting.
Index terms: Asexual propagation; Cloning; Coffea canephora; Photosynthesis; Quality.
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