Spatial dynamics of coffee production in the state of Parana, Brazil
Coffee is a commodity of great economic importance for Brazil and for the state of Paraná. In the 1960s and 1970s, Paraná was responsible for half of coffee production in Brazil. However, after 1975, with the occurrence of what was called the “black frost” (geada negra), there was considerable reduction in the area devoted to coffee growing in Paraná. In this context, the aim of this study was to examine the spatial dynamics of coffee production in Paraná, identifying the microregions that have specialized in the activity, and analyze the evolution and spatial distribution of production in the period from 2003 to 2018. To do so, the locational quotient (LQ) method was applied, principal component analysis (PCA) was performed, and cluster analysis was carried out. A reduction in planted area and of the amount of coffee produced in Paraná was found. The results of the LQ denote changes in the spatial dynamics of coffee production, with reduction from 14 to 9 microregions specializing in the activity, and they are concentrated in the North Central and Pioneiro regions of Paraná. Two principal components that explained 88.06% of the total variability of the data were identified: the first formed by microregions with high participation in rural credit, and the second by microregions near the processing industries. Four groups were defined based on their degree of specialization, rural credit, and location of coffee industries. This trajectory implies gains in yield and reinforces the importance of investments in technology as a determining factor in development of the coffee production chain.
Key words: Regional analysis; agricultural economics; value chain; technological change; structural transformation.
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