Sensory Q-Grader evaluation of fermented arabica coffees by yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and lactic bacteria (Pediococcus acidilactici) cultures
fermentation, microorganisms, Q-grader, quality.Abstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate sensorially, by professional Q-Grader, the beverage coffee from fermentation natural and fermentation with the use of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures in wet coffee processing. The Arabica coffee was harvested at two different altitudes in Espírito Santo State. Both coffees went through 04 treatments: inoculated with starter cultures Saccharomyces cerevisiae (YML) or Pediococcus acidilactici CCT 1622 (LAF), natural fermentation (NF) (not inoculated) and Control, without fermentation (WF). The coffee was processed by just the wet process. After process and roasting, the sensorial analysis was performed to understand the impact of fermentation processing in the coffee quality, and was performed by 6 Q-Graders, following SCA protocol. The study evidenced that the use of natural fermentation or starter cultures during post-harvest coffee contributed to obtain a quality beverage with pleasurable sensorial characteristics, punctuated by the tasters in the overall score obtained and also by the high
sensory scores in attributes such as fragrance, acidity, aftertaste and the different perceived aromas. This work demonstrates for coffee growers that fermentation technology is not intuitive but requires an understanding of the relationship of the microorganisms with the coffee and the environment. In addition to the other chemical aspects of roasting and brew coffee.
Key words: Fermentation; Microorganisms; Quality.
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