Moisture dynamic sorption isotherms and thermodynamic properties of parchment specialty coffee (Coffea arabica L.)


  • Gentil Andrés Collazos Escobar Universidad Surcolombiana, Centro Surcolombiano de Investigación en Café/CESURCAFE, Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola, Neiva, Colombia.
  • Nelson Gutierrez Guzman Universidad Surcolombiana, Centro Surcolombiano de Investigación en Café/CESURCAFE, Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola, Neiva, Colombia.
  • Henry Alexander Vaquiro Herrera Universidad del Tolima, Facultad de Ingeniería Agronómica, Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia.
  • Claudia Milena Amorocho Cruz Universidad Surcolombiana, Centro Surcolombiano de Investigación en Café/CESURCAFE, Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola, Neiva, Colombia.



water activity, equilibrium moisture content, hygroscopicity, non- spontaneous, molecular ordering, compensation theory


Sorption isotherms represent an efficient and valuable tool for predicting the equilibrium moisture content of foods under different humidities and temperatures; thus, they are useful for determining shelf-life and safe storage conditions. The aims of this work were to determine the sorption isotherms of parchment specialty coffee at water activity values of 0.1−0.8 and temperatures of 25, 30, and 40 °C using the dynamic dew point method. The experimental sorption data were modeled using 12 different equations to represent the dependence of equilibrium moisture content on water activity and temperature. Thermodynamic properties were also obtained from the experimental data. The results showed a type II sigmoid shape according to Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) classification, and the double log polynomial (DLP) equation successfully modeled the effects of temperature on the sorption isotherms, obtaining a good fit (R2adj = 0.99 and RMSE = 0.1 % dry basis). The dynamic dewpoint isotherm (DDI) method was advantageous for modelling due to its high availability of experimental data. Thermodynamic analyses showed that the net isosteric heat of sorption, Gibbs free energy, and sorption entropy decreased as equilibrium moisture content increased, and the compensation theory provided evidence that the sorption process was controlled by enthalpy (Tβ > Thm).

Key words: Water activity; equilibrium moisture content; hygroscopicity; non-spontaneous; molecular ordering; compensation theory.

Author Biography

Nelson Gutierrez Guzman, Universidad Surcolombiana, Centro Surcolombiano de Investigación en Café/CESURCAFE, Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola, Neiva, Colombia.

Postdoctorado Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Tecnología de Alimentos
Febrerode2012 - Juniode 2012
Analisis y control de calidad en pescado

Doctorado Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Doctorado tecnologia de alimentos
Enerode2002 - Noviembrede 2008
Identificación y priorización de factores críticos para implantar buenas prácticas agrícolas en productores de café y frutas en el departamento del Huila en Colombia

Maestría/Magister Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Master ciencia ingenieria de alimentos
Enerode2002 - de 2002

Pregrado/Universitario Universidad Surcolombiana
Ingenieria agricola
Enerode1985 - de 1991


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How to Cite

COLLAZOS ESCOBAR, G. A.; GUZMAN, N. G.; VAQUIRO HERRERA, H. A.; AMOROCHO CRUZ, C. M. Moisture dynamic sorption isotherms and thermodynamic properties of parchment specialty coffee (Coffea arabica L.). Coffee Science - ISSN 1984-3909, [S. l.], v. 15, p. e151684, 2020. DOI: 10.25186/.v15i.1684. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 jan. 2025.